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How to create an email account

Email is one of the most important tools for communicating online.

An email address is unique to you and can be used to send and receive email messages.

It's commonly used for work, school and personal use. An email address can be created for free. Two common providers are Outlook and Gmail.

Before you create an email account, learn more about ways to set up your account and how to keep it secure by reading eSafety's Email article.  

Ready to create an account?

Once you've decided which email provider to use, you can create your own email account by following the steps below.

Outlook: Visit the Outlook website and click “Create free account”. Then, follow the instructions. 

For step-by-step instructions with pictures, you can visit our Help Centre article Create an Outlook Email Address.

Gmail: To use Gmail, you'll need to create a Google account first. Once you've created a Google account, you can use it to log into Gmail.

For step-by-step instructions, read How to create a Gmail account

You may also choose a different email provider. Just visit their website and look for the “Create an account” or “Sign up” button, then follow the steps. Most email providers will have a free option.

Once you’ve created your email account, remember to keep your login details secure and regularly update your password. This helps protect your email account.

Want to learn more?

Be CONNECTED's online tutorial will teach you about: 

  • How email works
  • Free and trusted email services
  • How to use the web browser to read, send and manage emails

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