All about privacy
Your personal information and privacy are important to us.
Personal information is any information that can identify you or your family.
We need your privacy consent to collect your personal information. Privacy consent is when you agree to let someone collect, use, and share your personal information for a specific reason.
Watch the video which explains privacy consent at The Smith Family.
Data collection statement
To find out more, please read our data collection statements below:
Education Department
In some states (South Australia, Tasmania, Queensland, and Western Australia), you can choose for us to collect and share information with the Education Department.
You can only provide or change this consent by talking to your Family Partnership Coordinator or another Smith Family team member. Please contact us to talk about your Education Department consent.
Examples of personal information we collect
Examples of how we use your personal information
Your local Family Partnership Coordinator can answer any questions you have about consent and how your data is used. They can also explain your rights so you can make informed decisions about your personal information.
We're committed to protecting your privacy and supporting your family.
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