About the end of year school report
Why your child's end of year school report is important?
As part of the Learning for Life partnership agreement, you must provide your child's end of year school report each year. Your school will give you an end of year school report for your child towards the end of the year. It might be on paper, emailed, or available through an online school portal.
We'll send you information via My News about how to send this to us safely through My Smith Family.
Below, you'll find out why it's important we receive a copy of the school report and how we use the information.
Checking your child's progress
Submitting the end of year school report helps us learn about your child's year at school.
We can see their progress compared to previous years and whether there are any areas where they could use extra help. Your Family Partnership Coordinator may connect them to one of our educational support programs.
What we look at
To help us understand how your child has progressed throughout the school year, we look at the different sections of their School Report. For example, school attendance, English and Maths results and teachers' comments.
Remember, each child learns differently and in their own time. We will support your family regardless of your child's overall results. We want to know how your child is going – so we can give them the best support.
Celebrating successes and milestones
We love celebrating your child's achievements – big or small. These can be academic goals, such as improving their grades. They may also be personal goals, like reading more, improving their writing, better attendance, or feeling more confident in class.
While your child's end of year school report doesn't necessarily tell us everything, it does let us know how things went throughout the year. It helps us to learn how to best support your family to achieve positive outcomes.
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