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How to make the most of your Scholarship payments

About the Scholarship payments

Scholarship payments are made twice a year as part of the Learning for Life program. You can spend these payments on any education-related items you like, from stationery to shoes and school uniforms or technology or home internet.

What does your child need this year? Here are some tips on how to make the most of your payments.

Check what you need

Ask your child’s school if they have a list for the next semester. This can save you from buying any items that are not needed. If it's a long list, try starting from the most important to the least essential. The next step is to consider what your child will need for the next six months of school.

For example, are they growing out of any pieces of their uniform? Will they need a new pair of shoes soon? Is there a camp or excursion next term?

See what you already have

Check around your home to see if you already have some of the things you need. If your child or children have similar-aged siblings or cousins, ask if they have anything on your list that they're no longer using.

Research where to go

Now, it's time to shop. Look into where you should go and when to get what you need.

For example, check if any back-to-school sales are coming up. Ask your school if they offer a uniform deal. See if there's one store where you can get everything in one go to avoid many shopping trips. You could ask another parent at school if they have a go-to place to do their shopping.

You can use your Scholarship payments on many education-related costs, and these will help your child feel ready for school. If you need help with how to spend them, we recommend planning before shopping, so your children get what they need most. We hope you enjoy the process!

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