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Gloucester VIEW Club


Gloucester VIEW Club was formed in 1989.

Currently, the Club sponsors four Smith Family Learning for Life students and is actively involved in fundraising activities to raise donations for The Smith Family programs.

We are always open to new members, so please get in touch today and come and see what it's all about.


  • When: Meeting Day on the 3rd Tuesday each month
  • Time: At 11.00am for 11.30am
  • Where: Gloucester Country Club
  • Address: Bucketts Way, GLOUCESTER NSW 2422
Location on Google Maps


Robyn 0418 669 401

Secretary:  Email: 

Club Email:

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Meet 2025 committee

2025 Gloucester VIEW Club Committee

The 2025 Committee was inducted at the AGM:

L-R: Robyn P, Vivien VP, Marguerite Sec and Delegate, Bev M Ass Sec/Publicity, Treasurer Chris, Ass Treasurer Judy E, Welfare Jenny, POs Judy H, Julie K, Pat R. 


Perfect Attendance in 2024

It was hearty congratulations to the Members in the photo who achieved 100% attendance in 2024.


Close of 2024

In December Members and guests celebrated with an Australian Christmas luncheon. President Robyn welcomed NC Dianne and ZC Des. Everyone joined in the Christmas Quiz presented by Bev M and the sing-along as Judy H played and Elaine M led the singing.

All guests left with a slice of cake prepared by member Rae D. Our Club is now in recess until the AGM in February. Members wish everyone a very happy Christmas.



Nathalie A was presented with her 30 year membership badge. 


We Will Remember Them

The November Luncheon Meeting was well attended.

An address The Traditions of Remembrance Day, prepared by member Bev M and was presented by nine Members followed by a moment of silence in remembrance.

Lest we forget.


Trekking in October 2024

Members and guests enjoyed our October gathering which was again held at the Gloucester Country Club and, as usual, a delicious lunch followed the business meeting.

Guest speakers Cathy and Phil Henry spoke about their walk on the Camino Pilgrim's Track in Spain. Their slides, souvenirs, and photos added to their informative presentation. 


September 2024 Trivia

Unfortunately, our Guest Speaker was unable to attend and Members wish her a speedy recovery - hoping to see you next year Charlie.  At very short notice Committee Member Bev M organised a Trivia Quiz which members  enjoyed.


August 2024 with Courtney

The August Luncheon Meeting got underway with Blind/Vision Impaired athlete Courtney Webeck’s interesting and informative talk.  At the conclusion of her presentation Courtney was delighted to receive a substantial boost to her funds courtesy of the Community Op Shop before leaving for another appointment in Sydney.

Thank you Courtney for visiting our Club and our Members wish you all the best with your future endeavours.  Courtney can be seen in the accompanying photo.


Christmas In July 2024

The weather was certainly winter weather -windy, cold, even light snow on nearby Barrington Tops, and just in time for our Club’s Christmas in July Luncheon Meeting.

Guest speaker Rhea, who can be seen in the accompanying photo, explained how important the Breast Milk Bank is.


June 2024

June Winter Warmer Month- was a very enjoyable and interesting get-together for the 33 Members who braved the winter weather.  Many Members arrived early and there was much chatter as friends caught up with each other, and then a tasty meal was served.

The Guest Speaker was Member Pat who spoke about her visit to Maralinga after which Bev moved a vote of thanks. 


Congratulations Annette

Photo from our June luncheon, shows President Robyn presenting Annette with her 30 year pin for Services to VIEW.


Celebrating 35th Birthday in May 2024

The birthday luncheon on 21st May was well attended although several members were unable to join as COVID is still amongst us. However, our friends from Taree and Myall River VIEW Clubs travelled to be with us as did Councillors Dianne and Desley T.

As can be seen in the accompanying photo our three new members cut the cake.

The VIEW philosophy of fostering friendships while educating women was celebrated at the meeting. Thanks to the hard working committee. 


Guest Speaker in May 2024

Photo shows our Guest speaker for May was Lance Fletcher, who is Thalidomide Aust. President. 


ANZAC Commemoration Luncheon in April 2024

Forty members and guests attended the April Meeting, when President Robyn chaired the meeting with Secretary Judy E, Treasurer Christine and Delegate Marguerite giving their monthly reports. Lucky door prize (congratulations Judy H), and raffles were drawn and birthdays celebrated (happy birthday Annette, Rae and Bev M).
An interesting item of correspondence was an email received from our Sister Club, Logan VIEW Club  A delicious lunch followed. Thank you Kay and Pat R. 
Pat, our Newsletter editor included a section dedicated to Kokoda in this month's edition while also providing ANZAC biscuits for all.  Also, in keeping with the theme, Assistant Treasurer and table decorator supreme Judy H adorned the tables with bunches of rosemary, red poppies and candles.
It was then time for the presentation entitled The Kokoda Campaign.  Bev M read a poem and then introduced the seven speakers - Lyn H, Judy E, Marguerite McN, Gillian T, Christine R, Pat R and Vivien W who then introduced Kay, who gave an informal talk about the Kokoda Memorial Track at Concord, Sydney where Kay spent a large portion of her working life.  Kay and Judy F provided very interesting memorabilia.
Photo: Presenter Marguerite, with other presenters Lyn, Pat R and  Vivien in the foreground.  


At the conclusion of the presentation Pat R presented thank you gifts to both Kay (who can be seen in this photo) and Bev M.
On 25th April VIEW Club members will join with all those who honour this day and the people who served in all wars and peace keeping campaigns, those on the home front who kept the home fires burning and especially those who made the greatest sacrifice of all.

Lest we Forget.


March 2024

Thirty two members and guests enjoyed a delicious meal which was served after the usual monthly meeting business was done.  President Robyn welcomed everyone before handing over to Secretary Judy E who read and tabled the February meeting minutes and also advised of the monthly correspondence. Treasurer Christine presented her monthly summary; Delegate Marguerite brought everyone up-to-date followed by Welfare Officer Jenny's report. The tables were beautifully decorated by Assistant Treasurer Judy H - lovely flowers from her garden and a Newsletter for each person prepared by Program Officer Pat R. 
Lucky Door and raffle prizes were drawn and the Trading Table held much interest as did the raffle for the major fundraiser (a painting donated by Bev Barbour) which will be drawn at the Club's 35th birthday celebration in May.
Guest Speaker Tracey Murrell spoke about how Gloucester Creatives grew from an idea to an opening on Easter Saturday 2024, the work that has gone into the organisation and the hope that it will become a hub for many varied creative folk to sell products and/or attend workshops. Pat R presented Tracey with a small thank you gift on behalf of the members and guests.

President Robyn welcomes guests

International Women's Day 2024

Our Club hosted a Morning Tea to celebrate International Women's Day on Friday 8th March at the Uniting Church Hall.  President Robyn welcomed everyone with a thumbnail explanation of what the day is all about, 

The theme of IWD 2024 is Count Her In - Invest in Women and Accelerate Progress.   It's a day to celebrate women's achievements but it's also a call-to-action for gender equality.   Although it is generally agreed that women have come a long way as evidenced by women's sport, changes to some laws, and changes in education, it is also generally agreed that there is still much to be done.


Celebrating International Women's Day 2024

Following Robyn's welcome, National Councillor Dianne spoke about what VIEW does under the umbrella of The Smith Family.  

VIEW Club Members across Australia actively work to support women by fostering friendships while supporting disadvantaged Australian students.  VIEW - Voice, Interests, Education of Women


Guest Speaker Trudy

Trudy, our wonderful Guest Speaker gave an interesting talk to which the guests listened attentively.

2024 Annual General Meeting

The day began with the February General Meeting followed by lunch amid much chatter as members caught up after the break.

Outgoing President VIvien W gave her report, thanking members and Committee members for a successful 2023. A presentation was made to those members who had achieved 100% attendance over the past year while January and February birthdays were celebrated.

A welcome was extended to two new members, Sandra C and  Lidia S. Sandra delivered a short report of her experiences as a foster parent under The Smith Family program.

The  AGM was held after lunch, chaired by Judy E filling in for the absent Councillors. All procedures were followed, including asking for nominations from the floor before the 2024 Committee was formed.