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resolutions 1

Every two years VIEW members vote on one or more issues of importance that will be the focus of advocacy and lobbying work for the coming years. These are called resolutions.

Through the VIEW National Resolution process members are able to collectively identify and articulate issues that are considered important for influencing social change in Australia. Many VIEW resolutions have been successful in fostering legislative changes for the betterment of Australian society.

Resolutions provide a platform to not only promote issues of importance, but also the work of VIEW Clubs and The Smith Family, in supporting the education of disadvantaged children and helping to break the cycle of disadvantage.

Resolutions focused in this way, and reflecting the aims of VIEW and The Smith Family, help to promote and raise awareness of VIEW among the public and communicate key VIEW messages to prospective members.

Resolutions debated at Convention since 1965.

Frequently Asked Questions for Resolutions

Resolutions 2024-25

Time to Debate and Vote!

The ‘Voice of VIEW’ is an important aspect of VIEW Clubs of Australia.

Through the National Resolution process, we are able to collectively identify and articulate issues that are considered important for influencing social change in Australia.


'Voice of VIEW' Voting(Voting open until 29 August 2025)


Resolution 1- Addressing Loneliness and Social Isolation

Resolution 2 - National Education Standards

Resolution 3-Funding Mental Health Programs for Children

Voting Paper

Instructions & BallotSeparate Instructions (laminate to share) / Multi Voting (save paper)

Tally Sheet- Club Record (email to


Resolutions 2022-23

resolutions 3
Voting completed
Resolution votes were tallied resulting in all three resolutions being carried.
Following is the order of preference:
1. Social housing & local & regional support networks to address homelessness
VIEW Clubs of Australia call on the Federal Government to increase funding for social housing. Local and regional support networks to address homelessness, the housing crisis as it affects the needs of women and families
2. Providing adequate internet access incl digital resources & skills to children in rural & remote areas of Australia
VIEW Clubs of Australia call on the State and Federal Governments to work together to ensure all young Australians have the digital resources and skill they need to fully participate in education particularly in rural and remote areas.
3. Restrictions on Sports Betting Companies advertising
VIEW Clubs of Australia urge the Federal Governments to impose tighter restrictions on Sports Betting companies as to where & when they can advertise their products and that all advertisements contain information about the problems of gambling addiction, as done with cigarette smoking.
Next Steps
The Resolution Sub-Committee will be sending letters to Government Ministers, NGOs and relevant Statutory Authorities.

All members are encouraged during the next two years (2024-25) to promote the three Resolutions.

Club Promotion to Local Member/Government/NGO's

Template letter to local member/government/NGO’s

Instructions for use:

  • Please do not alter/change the wording of this letter.
  • Personalise with club details only.
  • Ensure a copy of any correspondence is forwarded to the Zone and/or National Councillor who will forward details to the Resolution Sub-Committee.
  • Ensure that all correspondence is recorded in Club Minutes.

Template Letters

Template - Social housing & local & regional support networks to address homelessness
Template - Providing adequate internet access incl digital resources & skills to children in rural & remote areas of Australia
Template - Restrictions on Sports Betting Companies advertising