Sussex Inlet Evening VIEW Club
Currently, the Club sponsors three Smith Family Learning for Life students and is actively involved in fundraising activities to raise donations for The Smith Family programs.
As well as interesting speakers at our dinner meetings we often have themed dinners and fun activity nights including our Christmas dinner. During the year we usually have featured meetings, such as our apron night, teapot night etc where Members tell the story behind the articles. We have guest speakers and many other entertaining evenings. Annually we hold an International Women’s Day. Our Members are a friendly lot of ladies of all ages, and we welcome visitors who usually become new members.
We are always open to new members, so please get in touch today and come and see what it's all about.
- When: Meeting Day on the 3rd Wednesday each month
- Time: At 6.30pm for 7.00pm
- Where: Sussex Inlet Bowling Club
- Address: St Georges Avenue, SUSSEX INLET NSW 2540
Robyn on 0490 255 513
Email: sieview1@gmail.com
Club News

Birthday Celebrations in June 2024
Our Club's 36th Birthday was celebrated in June, when we decided to hold a luncheon rather than dinner at night. The reason being, it's winter and nobody likes driving great distances at night in the dark.
We had a good attendance from other clubs further down the coast, and Members were pleased this worked out very well for our little Evening Club. We would suggest it to others in the same position as us.

Educational Trip to the Tip in 2024
Our Club enjoyed an outing to Shoalhaven City Council’s recycling centres which was free of charge and had our Members and friends picked up in Sussex and taken into Nowra and back.
An educational morning with a light lunch supplied. The accompanying photo shows us all looking bright in our HiViz vests.
Guest Speakers from Marine Rescue in 2024
Guest Speakers from Sussex Inlet Marine Rescue came and spoke to us about their volunteer roles, around our town, highlighting the importance of women in volunteer Organisations.
35th Birthday Celebrations in 2023
For our 35th birthday celebrated in 2023, we had a theme of Aprons so our Members and guests brought along one of their aprons, or an apron with a story to it.
Past Zone Councillor Fay Kastelein, brought along a 35-year-old VIEW apron, and Fay can be seen wearing this apron n the accompanying photo.
Many stories were told that night of work aprons, mothers and children’s aprons and aprons made at school in sewing classes. It proved a worthy topic.

Apron Models
Accompanying photo shows Toni, Di and Karen modelling just some of the aprons shown on the day.