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Tamworth Evening VIEW Club


Tamworth Evening VIEW Club was formed in 1978.

Currently, the Club sponsors ten Smith Family Learning for Life students and is actively involved in fundraising activities to raise donations for The Smith Family programs.

We are always open to new members, so please get in touch today and come and see what it's all about.


  • When: Meeting Day on the 2nd Tuesday each month
  • Time: At 7.00pm
  • Where: Crossroads Function Centre
  • Address: 191 Goonoo Goonoo Road, TAMWORTH NSW 2340
Location on Google Maps


Club News

Tamworth View Committee

Barbara Hyslop - Secretary, Kathy Challinor – Publicity Officer, Joan Pacey – Delegate, Kay Swadling Assist. Treasurer, Elizabeth Henderson – Treasurer, Ellen Mackie-Gulliver – Assist. Secretary, Carol Swain – Vice President, Merilyn Binney – President, Deb Mooney and Lyn O’Connor – Program Officers and Zone Counsellor Aletia Norman who swore the new committee in and distributed badges 

Tamworth evening view club’s annual musical afternoon

Close to one hundred and twenty community members, VIEW Club members from Tamworth Manilla and Gunnedah attended the annual Musical Afternoon on Saturday 17th June at the Community Centre. The afternoon tea which was included in the admission fee and spanned four tables, was provided by TEVC members and once again this was a great success as there was none left over, following intermission.

SING Australia (Tamworth) along with the Southside Uniting Church Choir included the audience in all their songs which really had the rafters rocking. Local young lady Rachel Donaldson, sister of Peter who played the piano for us last year, played three beautiful pieces which was appreciated by all present.

Local poet, John Hillier gave his rendition of some of Banjo Patterson and Dorathea McKellar’s poems. Songstress Sally-Anne Whitten, accompanied by her husband Alwyn Erich on guitar, sang her latest chart climbing song and a few more county songs, again with the audience joining in. Four year old local Peyton, who just loves music and was seen dancing in the aisles, could not stop herself from joining Sally-Anne up on stage and almost stole the limelight with her beautiful dancing to the singing.

Three lucky door prizes were won and distributed and three lucky members of the audience won the raffles, which were donated by a TEVC member. President Merilyn thanked all the presenters for giving so freely of their time and expertise and thanked the community for supporting the TEVC every year and said that the money raised during the afternoon will greatly assist our ten Learning for Life students that we sponsor.

Kathy Challinor OAM
tamworth gala

Zones NI01 & NI02 Gala Day Gunnedah

Fifty five VIEW ladies from Gunnedah Day and Evening, Tamworth Day, Evening and Tamworth Peel Evening, Glen Innes, Manilla and Narrabri Clubs met in Gunnedah on Saturday 29th April to enjoy the Zone Gala Day. Inverell, Moree Day and Evening and Coonabarabran clubs were unable to attend. The 12 Clubs, currently sponsor 37 students with some clubs looking to increase their numbers by the end of the year.

Members were welcomed on arrival at Club Gunnedah to a scene of Black and White which reflected Black and White theme. Each table had black and white paper flowers, pearls and mirrors, black serviettes and white linen table cloths, and once all fifty five were in the room it really was a black and white day.

Following a healthy morning tea, National Advisor Sally welcomed local Gomeroi people

James Hogbin and Lahni Griffiths. Lahni firstly gave a “Welcome to Country” in the local dialect then translated it to English. James followed giving a clear explanation of what the Boomerang and the Southern Cross mean to Aboriginal people, then demonstrated this by way of a song and dance using Boomerangs.

National Advisor Sally Cronberger and Zone Councillor Aletia Norman co-chaired the day and commenced by acknowledging those members present who had been in National and Zone positions and thanked all who contributed in any way to ensuring the Black and White themed Gala Day was a success. A special mention was made of Mary Hollingworth from the Glen Innes Club who was recognised for her volunteering roles in and around Glen and was also named “Local Woman of the Year” on Australia Day.

Prior to lunch, club representatives shared funny stories both true and not so true, spoke about what their particular club was doing in terms of fundraising and ideas they have instigated to raise the needed funds for their students. Aletia gave a report on behalf of Cindy Pearce from The Smith Family, as she was unable to attend.

It was clear that there are a lot of creative ladies within these VIEW clubs if what was displayed is any indication with everything from hand bags to dresses made from recycled VIEW tea towels. So much talent!

After a very tasty lunch, Zone Councillor Aletia explained why the delegates meetings are so important as a way of sharing what is happening throughout Australia with VIEW and The Smith Family as well as what changes are being made at National Office. She encouraged as many members as possible to attend National Convention in Hobart in September. Aletia also noted that the upcoming National Convention has not been mentioned in some Club minutes.

Past National Vice President Beryl Pike then talked about the upcoming road trip Marianne Maher and Elizabeth are making to meet with all the clubs within the Zones and encouraged as many members as possible to attend their closest meeting in order to ask the questions and get answers “straight from the horses mouth” so to speak.

The rest of the day was spent laughing at a skit from Tamworth Evening Club’s Joan performing “Let’s get physical” from “Menopause the Musical” which saw Joan start off well but ending needing to go to the “hospital”.

The final skit of the day was performed by the fabulous ladies Beryl, Sue, Raeleen and Chris from Tamworth Peel Evening Club with the marriage scene performed in The Vicar of Dibley series, with the song ”It Should Have Been Me” written by Norman Whitfield ended the day with lots of laughter and applause.

A day of fun and friendship which reflects what VIEW (Voice Interests and Education of Women) is all about.

Report by Kathy Challinor OAM

Publicity Officer