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Maroochydore VIEW Club


Maroochydore VIEW Club was formed in 2001.

Currently, the Club sponsors eleven Smith Family Learning for Life students and is actively involved in fundraising activities to raise donations for The Smith Family programs.

We are always open to new members, so please get in touch today and come and see what it's all about.


  • When: Meeting Day on 4th Friday each month
  • Time: At 11.00am for 11.30am
  • Where: Maroochydore S.L.S.C
  • : Maroochydore VIEW Club members share fun and friendship over a beautiful lunch. A variety of informative and interesting guest speakers entertain and inspire us at our meetings. At each lunch there are raffle and lucky door prizes, as well as book and bring and buy stalls. Each month we also enjoy a social outing. These social occasions are a great way to make friends, particularly if you are new to the Sunshine Coast. We also have a monthly coffee morning and two bookclubs. A highlight of each year is our Walk With a VIEW, through which we raise funds for the Learning for Life program through obtaining sponsors. Why don’t you come along and see what our VIEW Club is all about? We always look forward to welcoming new members. Visit our Facebook page.
  • Address: 34-36 Alexandra Parade, MAROOCHYDORE QLD 4558
Location on Google Maps


Claire on 0416 119 053

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guest speaker rosanna 2023

October 2023

Members looked lovely today dressed in pink as October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. This is to honour and remember all those who have had experience of breast cancer.

Thanks to Rosanna Natoli, our vivacious guest speaker for sharing her life, family and career with 7NEWS.  The bring and buy stall was particularly successful and nearly sold out!  An excellent lunch was enjoyed by everyone.

welcome new members in 2023

New Members Welcomed in 2023

Di presented Janice and Lorraine with their new member badges.

20 year recognition for sue in 2023

20 Year Recognition in 2023

Sue received her 20 year badge, in recognition of her service to VIEW.

christmas in july 2023

Christmas In July 2023

Members enjoyed a Christmas in July theme, with everyone looking lovely in red and green or their favourite Christmas outfits. The guest speaker was the very entertaining Ashley Robinson, General Manager of Alex Surf Club. Ashley generously gave a $50.00 prize to the winner of the Heads and Tails game, plus one for the club to raffle.

We enjoyed home-baked Christmas treats to have with our coffee. Raffle prizes, book sales and a great selection of home-made condiments were available each lunch to raise funds to support the Learning for Life students.

Photo shows  three past Presidents: Lynda; Jocelyn; and Sharyn.