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West Coast VIEW Club


West Coast VIEW Club was formed in 2005.

Currently, the Club sponsors twenty three (23) Smith Family Learning for Life students and is actively involved in fundraising activities to raise donations for The Smith Family programs.

We are always open to new members, so please get in touch today and come and see what it's all about.


  • When: Meeting Day on 1st Wednesday each month
  • Time: 11.30 for 12pm
  • Where: at the Wanneroo Function Centre
  • Address: 18 Dundebar Road Wanneroo WA 6065
Location on Google Maps


Kathy on 0419 929 061

wanneroo primary choir christmas 2023

December 2023

Our December meeting opened with some wonderful entertainment by the Wanneroo Primary School Choir. Thank you to all the children, we just loved seeing the excitement on your faces when Santa appeared but loved even more hearing your appreciation and beautiful manners when receiving your gift bags.


The saying goes that winners are grinners and there were certainly plenty of grinners at our December meeting.  Without the donations there would be no prizes or money for the Smith Family so well done West Coast Members. However, without those hard working Members who organize all this, there would be no tickets sold and baskets created.  Those Members who are always there organizing and contributing to making West Coast VIEW the Club it is. You deserve a huge thank you for all the work you put in year after year and I am sure you will be looking forward to a little break until it starts all over next year. 


Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season and health and happiness for 2024.

christmas 2023 with santa

Santa Visits in December 2023

Thanks to Santa for always making the long journey to join us
Guest Speaker Caitlin Collins

Busy In November 2023

Members and friends enjoyed a luncheon at the Currambine Tavern.  2024 Office Bearers were nominated and will be sworn in and receive their badges at our AGM in February, when two new Committee Members Ann and Maureen, will be installed, congratulations ladies.

Judy gave a brief overview of the recent Convention and assured us it was a great success.  A definite encouragement for Members to attend Brisbane in 2025.

Guest speaker, Caitlin Collins MLA, spoke of her journey to become a politician.  Caitlin came across as a genuine, wise and knowledgeable member of Parliament.  She spoke about the current focus of the Government and answered several questions relating to youth crime and domestic violence.  An excellent speaker

2023 New Members Welcomed

New Members Welcomed in November 2023

Always wonderful to welcome new Members, and badges were presented to Jacqui and Marj in November.  Welcome ladies.
West Coast Birthday Ladies

West Coast VIEW July 2023 IWD Meeting

A big thank you to Wanneroo Tavern and Function Centre for our surprise Christmas in July Luncheon. The table settings gave a festive spirit to a cold winters day and the meal was, I am sure, enjoyed by all.

With both our President and Vice President absent a show of hands carried the motion to allow our Secretary Kath Wallace to chair the meeting. Thanks Kath.

We may have a few more members escaping the cold after our guest speaker Jane Thorsen from Villa Holidays Your Way talked to us about all the wonderful tours on offer.

The slide show certainly showed Australia in all its glory we are lucky to live in such a beautiful country.

Welcome to Maureen Anstee who was presented with her member badge and a very Happy Birthday to all our July ladies. 
June Birthday Ladies

2023 June IWD Meeting

Another enjoyable day catching up with our VIEW friends, lunch and a very interesting talk from St Johns Ambulance Fundraising co-ordinator Paul Ineson. Such an enjoyable way to raise funds for our Learning for Life Students.

A big thank you to Anne Schnell who chaired the meeting in Margaret’s absence. We all hope Margaret is enjoying her well deserved holiday.

Our annual book sale was a little quiet this year but there were still some good books on offer and cheers for Bev Wood and team for organising, manning and packing up on the day.  

A thank you too from Bev, to all the ladies who helped cover library books for Roseworth Primary School.

Our guest speaker, Paul Ineson talked to us about the amazing service to our community by St Johns Ambulance. This not-for-profit organisation has been operating in Western Australia for 131 years and the statistics on their services are outstanding. Paul’s talk was both entertaining and informative telling us about their vital Ambulance services, first aid courses, First Responder Program  and many more services to our community. Two lucky members even took home great prizes for listening so carefully throughout the talk.

A happy birthday to all our June ladies.
May Birthday Ladies

Celebrating Mothers Day in May 2023

Members enjoyed the first meeting at our new venue and we thank the Wanneroo Function Centre for welcoming us, allowing us to use the centre free of charge and in doing so, supporting our Learning for Life Students.  

This was our Mothers day meeting and a big thankyou to Jean, Kaye and Margaret for collecting and arranging the beautiful pots of chrysanthemums, kindly donated by Bunnings. These arrangements formed part of the Mothers day raffle.

Congratulations to Sylvia who took home first prize of a High Tea for 6 served in their own home. This wonderful prize was once again donated by Maureen and Deb and we send them gracious thanks.

Thanks must also go to Bev and other members who donated prizes.

This month we were short on a guest speaker so Kathy kindly stepped in and gave us a very interesting talk on her move to Australia as an immigrant. Her journey, as a young girl on her own leaving her home country of Sri Lanka and her experiences leaving and arriving in Australia were interesting and entertaining.  The talk was testament to Kathy’s strength and often her humour, in overcoming obstacles and sadly racism.  

Thank you

After many memorable years at Hillary’s Yacht Club,  West Coast VIEW Club have had to say a sad goodbye to the venue. The financial situation worldwide has hit us all in many ways and the Yacht Club can no longer allow us to use the venue free of charge. It would not be financially viable or in the best interests of our Learning for Life students to stay on and pay to use the club. We must say a huge thankyou to all the staff who have supported our club till now as we move onto a new venue in Wanneroo. Our Committee must be commended for the time and enormous effort they have put in to getting us booked into the Wanneroo Tavern and Function Centre. With the numbers in our club it has been no mean feat to find a venue and we thank the Tavern for supporting us and allowing us a fee free venue.
Ten years membership

Amazing Stories In April 2023

This month our inspiring guest speakers have both been transplant recipients and at the meeting gave moving and emotional accounts of their journeys.

Laura spoke about being diagnosed with cancer as a teen and then receiving a Bone Marrow transplant and the difficulty of finding a suitable donor, her search going world wide.

Shaun, who has had two kidney transplants since 1998 spoke of the anguish of waiting, while on dialysis, for his life saving transplant. Not once but twice.

Shaun and Laura both highlighted the need to increase the number of people on the transplant register in Australia and could not stress enough, the importance of speaking to family members about our wishes. One person’s donation can possibly save up to 10 lives.

We also heard all about Laura and Shaun’s work with (and plans to compete) in the World Transplant Games held in Perth that month.  

Eight members of our West Coast club were presented with their 10-year Membership Badges. Congratulations to Pamela, Roslyn, Margaret G, Margaret J, Elizabeth, Jean, Angela and Judy.
March 2023 major raffle

International Women's Day In March 2023

Our Club held their annual International Women’s Day event on 1st March.  As always this was an amazing event and thanks to the usual team of wonderful ladies on the IWD committee everyone enjoyed the day. We appreciate the amount of hours you all put in to make this day such a success.  

A big thank you also must go to Marg Woodhouse the National President of VIEW and Learning for Life student Rebekah for your enjoyable talks. To Wendy who once again gave us her time to MC the event and to Jay Weston for his brilliant entertainment throughout the day.

Our Guest speaker Annette Woolley entertained and inspired us (and bought a tear to many eyes). Annette’s story of the importance of education also showed us what one can overcome (with a little help) no matter the hard knocks life may deal.  Thank you Annette.

Many of our members left the day with arms full of baskets or very exciting envelopes. Winners were certainly grinners and a HUGE thankyou to the generosity of some wonderful sponsors.

Members also heard through the month of the resignation of Charmaine Sherman after 17 years with VIEW Club. In 2019 Charmaine was given a National Presidents Award but I think she also deserves the title of National Treasure. I don’t think there would be a member of West Coast VIEW who would not have seen the hours of tireless work Charmaine has put into our club and as Zone Councillor for WA.  The past 18 months have not been easy for Charmaine but it has not stopped her offer her help wherever needed. Wishing you a happy ‘retirement’ Charmaine you will be sadly missed.