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NH01 Walk with VIEW

10 July 2019
NH01 Walk with VIEW

NH01 Zone Conference held on 28th October 2018 at Eat Your Greens Function Centre Eugowra was attended by 45 members from all clubs across the zone, with a focus on the children sponsored by the clubs.

Members were updated with the Zone Councillor presentation, educated about the role of Breast Screen Australia, learnt the practice of mindful walking with Peta Patten, heard a testimony from Eugowra Evening member Irene Sharp on how VIEW gave her a voice again. Member Kim Storey spoke about the creation of her book What does a Farmer look like? Followed by a delicious lunch, zone councillor presentation and around the clubs presentations from club delegates.

The balloons in the photo represent the 22 Learning for Life students sponsored across the clubs in the zone.  A wonderful day of fun and friendship was shared by old friends and new, gathered as VIEW Zone NH01.