Members from the five clubs of the VA01 area attended the 2019 VA Gala at The Karralyka Centre in Ringwood, along with clubs from the VA02 and VA03 zones. It may have been a rainy day outside but it was sunshine inside as the room buzzed with the excitement of a wonderful day of friendship, learning and fun.
There were many highlights to the day. Learning about the many different programs run by The Smith Family from Kellie, a learning centre co-ordinator; listening to the heartfelt and moving speech from LFL student Felita as she told of her life in a refugee camp in the Congo to now being tertiary student in Australia, and the impact that the support of TSF had on her life and those of her family; the conversation between members of different clubs; the delicious meal; the entertainment from singing group The Time Steppers; all of that and more made for a wonderful day!
The photos show National VP Annette Schlafrig and NC Sandi Muntisov with Kellie and LFL student Falita. The room was colourful and cheerful thanks to the creative talents of Heidelberg VP Jenny Laught.
Thank you to Sandi Muntisov NCVA, and Lyn Peters ZC VA02 for organising a day to remember!