VA Treasurers' Workshop - March 30.
Five VIEW club treasurers and assistant treasurers attended a workshop at the home of Zone Councillor VA01, Sandi Muntisov. The aim of the two hour session was to network, solve problems, ask questions and navigate the VIEW website and introduction to the Electronic Cashbook.
It was a fantastic session. Pam Shaw [experienced treasurer from Greensborough VIEW] acted as our mentor. She provided outstanding help, support and guidance regarding all aspects of this very important and responsible role.
The session operated as an open forum and all present contributed, asked questions, shared their current practices, and clarified their treasurers role and responsibilities. Individual confidence grew throughout the workshop.
Special thanks to Pam for being a very willing mentor and to Sandi for her hospitality especially the home-made muffins.
A second VA Treasurers Workshop is planned. This will be held at the home of National Councillor VA, Annette Schlafrig, in Knoxfield. If you wish to attend please contact Annette for further details.