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If you are dissatisfied with The Smith Family, our services, activities or our team members, we encourage you to let us know. Here is some more information to inform you about how we manage complaints.

What is a complaint?
A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction about The Smith Family, our services and activities, or our team members, volunteers and anyone else acting on our behalf.

Where to make a complaint
You can let us know about your complaint by making it in person at your local The Smith Family office, calling us on 1800 024 069, emailing it Online Here or sending your complaint by post to the General Manager, The Smith Family, at the following addresses in your State or Territory:

ACT: PO Box 8, Woden ACT 2606
NSW: GPO Box 5348, Sydney NSW 2001
NT: PO Box 553, Nightcliff NT 0814
QLD: PO Box 10500, South Brisbane QLD 4101
SA: PO Box 3041, Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
TAS: GPO Box 2237, Hobart TAS 7001
VIC: PO Box 207, Collins Street West, VIC 8007
WA: GPO Box 3087, East Perth, Perth WA 6892

For more information, please view or download:

Complaints brochure >

Your privacy

Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected at all times during the complaints process.

The Smith Family collects personal information from you in order to investigate your complaint. We may also collect information about you from the person you complained about and others if they have information relevant to your complaint.

For further information about how we collect your personal information, the purposes of that collection, how it may be disclosed, and our Privacy Policy please refer to the Complaints Brochure (see above). Our Privacy Policy is also available at