Technology programs
A computer and internet access is now a critical part of school life.
Research and evidence has shown that financially disadvantaged children and their families face barriers of social isolation, poor academic performance and unemployment as a result of a lack of understanding and limited, or no, access to information and communication technology.
In 2012, only 67.8% (or two thirds) of children living in the most disadvantaged communities in Australia accessed the internet at home, compared to 90.5% of those living in the most advantaged areas.
Although access to computers and the internet at schools and libraries is an option, this poses additional barriers for disadvantaged families, particularly when younger school-children are involved - “… I have to travel with all three [of the children] to take them to use a shop computer which is very costly."
Having a computer and internet access within the home is now critical part of school life. Without these opportunities children may not be getting the most out of their education.