CEDA: Are disadvantaged young Australians at risk of being excluded from future jobs?
The world of work is changing rapidly with many jobs of the future yet to be imagined. It’s a massive shift for our economy and, in particular, for our emerging workforce as young Australians consider their transition from school to further study or employment.
Dont forget young people at the Jobs Summit
Community attitudes survey 2024
Latest survey highlights impact of child poverty on education and shows overwhelming support to address it as a national priority
Writing to your sponsored student
Everything a sponsor might need to know about corresponding with their student.
Sally is making a difference in her community
To see real life results, read Juliana's story & discover more Smith Family stories
Opinion: Dr Lisa O'Brien - What we need to avoid a generation of jobless youth
Read our media releases: Opinion: Dr Lisa O'Brien – What we need to avoid a generation of jobless youth
The Conversation: one in five NSW high school kids suffers 'severe' deprivation of life's essentials
It's tough for any high school student these days. Social media, the uncertainties of adolescence, trying to fit in - trying to figure out who you are.
Emerging from COVID-19: our new insights snapshot
With increasing numbers of Australians being vaccinated against COVID-19, yet many students and families supported by us continue to struggle.
Why careers support for young people should start in primary school
"Kids can't aspire to what they can't see": schools urgently need a better approach to career support, says The Smith Family's Lisa O'Brien.
Tasmanian Government Youth Jobs Strategy Discussion Paper