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Learning for Life

Helping young Australians reach their full potential

Every child should have the opportunity to achieve all they are capable of.

Through no fault of their own, children experiencing poverty often start school behind their peers. Without access to the vital resources, opportunities, and support that all children need to achieve their best, they can fall even further behind ─ making it more difficult for them to stay fully engaged in their education and go on to employment, training, or further study. 

Having The Smith Family’s support has definitely helped Shelby with his learning. He got really excited to go to school after he started receiving learning support, because he said that he was finally ‘getting it’. You could see the change in him – he was more confident with what he was doing at school.
Shelby's mum, Sandy

What is Learning for Life?

The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program is an innovative, evidence-based program that is successful in achieving long-term outcomes for young people experiencing disadvantage.

Through targeted support that begins early in a child’s life and continues throughout their first two decades, Learning for Life keeps students engaged at every stage of their education by providing:

  • financial support to help families meet the cost of school essentials like uniforms, books, and excursions;
  • guidance and advice from a dedicated Learning for Life Coordinator to make sure students and their families have the practical and emotional support they need throughout their education; and
  • ongoing access to our targeted programs like Learning Clubs to help students catch up, and mentoring programs like iTrack to help build the skills to thrive at school and beyond.

Making a Difference

We partner with more than 67,165 families through our Learning for Life sponsorships, empowering young Australians to achieve their full potential with access to targeted long-term support.

This support helps a child stay engaged with school and complete Year 12. Graduating from high school is linked to better employment, income and health outcomes, as well as greater social participation and the opportunity to be self-reliant in the future.  

Take a look at some of the outcomes experienced by Australian students who have participated in our programs. 


average school attendance rate for high school students who participated in Learning for Life in 2021.3


of Learning for Life students in Year 12 were employed or in study 18 months after graduating from high school.3


of students said that attending Learning Clubs helped them do better in class.4
For $58 a month, your sponsorship combined with that of another sponsor, will provide a child access to our Learning for Life sponsorship program. Through this support your sponsored child will receive the learning essentials they need such as books, stationery and data, so they don't fall even further behind in their learning.
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Our research

You can read more about how Learning for Life is proven to improve educational outcomes for students living with disadvantage, in our report Improving the educational outcomes of disadvantaged young Australians: The Learning for Life program.
The Smith Family does a wonderful job of opening a young person's eyes to the opportunities available to them, and that we’ll be there to support them in their journey to grasp that opportunity.
Darrin Allen, Program Coordinator

Our learning programs

Learning clubs

After-school Learning Clubs give children help with literacy homework in a safe, supportive environment, encouraging children to better engage with their learning. 
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Literacy programs

Providing resources and support to help children living with disadvantage achieve the required reading standard.
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Numeracy programs

We support early years educators and community professionals in building foundational math skills in children under their care.
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Technology programs

Providing children and young people living with disadvantage with the critical skills, access, and equipment they need.
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Mentoring programs

Mentoring programs for students living with disadvantage that provide the encouragement they need to build aspirations for their future.
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Work experience programs

We provide work experience programs for students living with disadvantage, to help them explore their future career options and potential job opportunities.
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Financial programs

We offer financial programs for parents facing disadvantage and an interactive high school program, building youth financial literacy, decision-making skills, and future awareness.
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Arts programs

Our arts programs aim to increase school engagement, build creative skills, self-confidence, expand social networks and explore post-school options.
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Community programs

We partner with government, schools, families, and other service providers to improve educational outcomes for children.
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs

Our work engages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in learning through education, life skills and role models, promoting culturally responsive practice.
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1 2022 Poverty in Australia, ACOSS/UNSW Report.
2 2023 NAPLAN results Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
3 2022-2023 TSF Report.
4 2022 The Smith Family’s Learning Clubs Program Outcomes Summary,.

* Names, family details and associated images have been changed to protect the family’s identity.