Our finances
Allocating our resources for impact
Resources are essential for building strong infrastructure and increasing our effectiveness and impact for children experiencing poverty, so they can build skills to change their futures.
In the five years to June 2024:
- 73% of donations from our supporters has been spent on our community programs
- 27% of our resources has been invested in the vital activities that build our continuing organisational capacity and sustainability
However, our funding allocation to community programs is just one measure of effectiveness. Another critical dimension is the positive impact our investment in resources and activities has in supporting our four long-term program outcome measures. We track and report:
Expenditure to administer programs and run the organisation is integral to our sustainability and outcomes.
Regular school attendance is essential for students to achieve positive educational outcomes.
83.8% is the average attendance for Years 1-10 Learning for Life students in 2023
Each year of schooling a child completes leads to better overall life outcomes, and improves their ability to make economic and social contributions to the community.
64% of Learning for Life students in Year 10 in 2021 advanced to Year 12 by 2023.
Tertiary continuation and completion rate
We measure the proportion of students who complete a qualification in four years. 47% of Learning for Life Tertiary Scholarship students who commenced study in 2020 had completed a qualification by 2023.
Post school engagement
We measure the proportion of Learning for Life students who transition successfully from school to further education, training or employment.
In 2023 this was 83% of students who had been in Year 12 in 2022.
Maximising impact across the not-for-profit sector
The Smith Family has joined with other not-for-profits to develop initiatives aimed at providing donors and charity partners with a deeper appreciation of a range of not-for-profit evaluation criteria. Our goals are to demonstrate the effectiveness of resource allocations so that donors can see the impact that together we achieve for those we help.
By facilitating greater openness around how funds are carefully stewarded, and by showing how all costs contribute to a healthy, sustainable, and effective organisation, we aim to help donors understand the important and enduring part donations play in making the difference they expect.
Annual Impact Report
Long-term support for lasting change
The Smith Family is committed to improving the long-term educational outcomes of young Australians living with disadvantage.
To achieve this, our support starts in a child's early years, when we work with their family and community to build those important foundational skills children need to succeed at school.
Once a child starts school, we ensure they have the everyday school essentials and extra support they need to engage fully with their education, from kindergarten to Year 12. If they go on to tertiary education, we connect them with a mentor, and provide additional resources to help them take the first steps in their chosen career.
We also support parents and families by enabling them to develop confidence and skills to engage positively with their child's education. With this assistance, parents can help their children reach their full potential.
Our long-term, targeted educational support gives children and young people opportunities to develop the tools they need to break the cycle of disadvantage and build a better future for themselves.
The Smith Family was awarded Gold and a special 'Best of sector' at the Australasian Reporting Awards in 2024.

Our Annual Impact Report 2023-24
Previous Annual Reports & financial reports

We are governed by our constitution
The Smith Family is a registered charity. We are governed by a constitution and embedded governance structure that enable us to achieve our mission in a way that is consistent with our vision, values, and strategy.
The Smith Family's charitable status
The Smith Family’s status as a Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) was confirmed in July 2005 by the Australian Taxation Office as part of its registration requirements for all non-profit entities, as was the organisation’s status as an Income Tax Exempt Charity and a Deductible Gift Recipient. The organisation enjoys certain other tax concessions and exemptions consistent with its status as a PBA which relate to Goods & Services and Fringe Benefit Taxes.
The Smith Family is registered as required by law in each State and Territory where it raises funds as follows:
Australian Capital Territory
Registration number L19000133 – registration is ongoing subject to continued registration with the ACNC
New South Wales
Registration number CFN 11049 – renewable in 2024
Registration number CP 4163 – registration is ongoing subject to meeting certain annual financial reporting requirements
South Australia
Registration number CA 778 – registration is ongoing subject to meeting certain annual financial reporting requirements
Registration number FIA-170 – registration is ongoing
Registration number FR 0010290 – registration is ongoing subject to continued registration with the ACNC
Western Australia
Registration number CC 20352 – registration is ongoing subject to continued registration with the ACNC
Smith Family is a company limited by guarantee (ABN 28 000 030 179). The Smith Family’s auditor is Ernst & Young. Legal services are provided by King & Wood Mallesons and banking by Westpac Banking Corporation.
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Our finances
