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At The Smith Family, we believe that education is one of the most powerful change agents. When young Australians from disadvantaged backgrounds have the extra tools and resources they need to succeed at school, they are better placed to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty.

Through our relationship with EY and their support of our Learning for Life program, we’re able to help even more young Australians in need to make the most out of their education.

Every student supported on Learning for Life receives financial support for school essentials, like uniforms and books, and practical support through access to additional learning and montoring programs before and after school – tailored to each child’s individual needs. And we also provide personal support for the child and their family, to help them to get to school, stay at school, and go on to further training or work.

ernest and young logo with text saying building a better working world
a group of primary school students laughing together
EY also supports students to learn more about the world of work by hosting Work Inspiration events. Here, students have the opportunity to be inspired and broaden their perspectives by experiencing a real workplace, and hearing from EY team members about their own careers. 

The passion of EY’s team has been highlighted through their enthusiastic engagement with our purpose; in Work Inspiration sessions, through employees generously giving up their time to volunteer and fundraise to support our work, and through generous donations to The Smith Family through their own Workplace Giving program.

Find out more about EY's Corporate Responsibility.
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