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The challenges of surviving COVID-19: insights from Australias hardest hit communities

25 May 2020

Australia’s leading children’s education charity, The Smith Family, has released an Insights Snapshot which describes the deeply concerning impact COVID-19 has been having over the past two months, on students and their families experiencing poverty.

The Smith Family works with almost 700 schools across the country, supporting the education of more than 50,000 disadvantaged students on our Learning for Life program. Since March, our teams on the ground have been talking to families to understand how they’re coping in the current environment.

“This is the first real glimpse into what life has been like in some of Australia’s most vulnerable communities since COVID-19 restrictions began in March. We are able to offer a firsthand look into what families are facing, because of our strong connections in these communities. While the true impact of the pandemic is still unfolding, it’s important we understand just how difficult things have been for disadvantaged families,” said The Smith Family CEO Dr Lisa O’Brien.

The pandemic has impacted differently across states and territories, and within school systems, but distinct trends are also noticeable.

“We are really worried about the effect COVID-19 is having on families and children living in poverty.” said Dr O’Brien. “We know this pandemic has the potential to have a serious and long-lasting negative impact on Australia’s most vulnerable communities.”

Dr O’Brien said COVID-19 has highlighted deep, persistent problems in our community relating to child poverty and how it affects the educational outcomes of disadvantaged students.

“Before this crisis, there was strong evidence that disadvantaged students were falling behind their peers as they progressed through school. COVID-19 heightens this risk,” said Dr O’Brien.

“We are also very worried that some young people may disengage from their education altogether, severely undermining their ability to create a fulfilling life for themselves after school.”

The Smith Family’s Insights Snapshot outlines some of the main challenges COVID-19 poses to our families and students.

“What our families have told us reveals that they are grappling with multiple, complex challenges. This is not restricted to the massive changes in school routine. We’ve heard stories of worry over skyrocketing grocery bills, anxiety over separation from extended family, and stress about whether they’ll get the help they need right now. The effect on some of our most vulnerable is profound,” said Dr O’Brien.

“While disadvantaged families are doing their absolute best to survive this crisis, they often feel overwhelmed and concerned for their children’s immediate and future wellbeing. As this is a rapidly changing situation, we continue to monitor new developments closely, and adapt our support as needed.”

The Smith Family has outlined eight core areas where the education and lives of children and young people are affected by COVID-19.

  1. Trying to do remote learning with limited or no access to devices and reliable internet.
  2. Parents and carers struggling to adapt to remote learning.
  3. Risk that some students will disengage from schooling altogether.
  4. Financial strain on families due to rising cost of living.
  5. Concerns over home safety for some families.
  6. Exacerbation of physical and mental health problems.
  7. Stress of being cut off from extended family.
  8. Uncertainty over post-school futures for senior secondary and tertiary students.

In response to these challenges, governments, corporates and the community at large have moved to support vulnerable students. The Smith Family says that’s a welcome first step, but disadvantaged students will need more support long-term, as the nation looks towards recovery.

“As students around the country gradually return to school, we must focus on the needs of vulnerable students. They may require additional learning support to make up for time lost. It’s important we act now so these students don’t fall even further behind,” said Dr O’Brien.

For The Smith Family, long-term support to ensure the lives of disadvantaged students aren’t negatively affected into the future by COVID-19 requires:

  • Supporting parents to create a rich home learning environment and to be meaningfully engaged in their child’s education.
  • Using data and evaluation to track students’ progress and tailor individual student support.
  • Using innovation to test new approaches that more effectively help students.

The Smith Family says tackling digital disadvantage must be another a top priority. The organisation is advocating for:

  • Providing every disadvantaged student with their own internet connected device, as an essential recognised tool for them to continue their schooling.
  • Ensuring disadvantaged families have access to affordable, reliable broadband.
  • Having support and technical support lines available for parents and carers who need help with digital proficiency to help their children learn at home.

Download the full Snapshot Report

Media Enquiries:

Charlotte Glennie, National Media Manager, 0420 407 886,

Michael Tarquinio, Media Advisor, 0481 903 439,

Natasha Surdich, Media Advisor, 0431 525 989,

Media contacts:

Andrew Dickson | National Media Manager (National) - 0421 285 529 |
Carla Horton | Senior Media Advisor (QLD & WA) - 0423 618 776 |
Reid Jermyn | Media Advisor (VIC, SA & NT) - 0412 803 566 | 
Ben Chenoweth | Senior Media Advisor (NSW, ACT & TAS) - 0413 346 934 |

The Smith Family is a national children’s education charity that helps young Australians experiencing disadvantage to create better futures for themselves through harnessing the power of education. We partner with around 800 Australian schools and work with over 162,000 children and young people experiencing disadvantage access our education support programs to help them overcome . For more information, visit