Our learning support and mentoring programs in 90 Australian communities directly help children in need achieve their goals through education.
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Search results for "jobs"
Showing 1 to 10 of approximately 75 items
Dont forget young people at the Jobs Summit
CEDA: Are disadvantaged young Australians at risk of being excluded from future jobs?
The world of work is changing rapidly with many jobs of the future yet to be imagined. It’s a massive shift for our economy and, in particular, for our emerging workforce as young Australians consider their transition from school to further study or employment.
The world is at Zoey's fingertips
Gladstone students build career dreams
All Australian students should be able to dream big about their careers. Read how our Work Inspiration program has connected young Australians with an inspiring work experience opportunity with our corporate partner Orica in Gladstone.
A chance to change a life
Jeremy knows what it is like to grow up in poverty. Now, see what he is doing what he can to ensure other children like him are not held back.
Meet some supporters
Experience real life results, meet children on our programs & discover more Smith Family stories - Meet some supporters
Emerging from COVID-19: our new insights snapshot
With increasing numbers of Australians being vaccinated against COVID-19, yet many students and families supported by us continue to struggle.
Every student needs digital tools to make the most of their learning. But living in poverty means that Poppy is missing out.
Tasmanian Government Youth Jobs Strategy Discussion Paper
My first 500 Zoom calls
The new CEO of The Smith Family, Doug Taylor, reflects on his first three months in the job and how COVID has changed his approach to leadership. Read more...
Showing 1 to 10 of approximately 75 items