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Search results for "growing careers program"

Showing 90 to 100 of approximately 778 items

Literacy programs

The Smith Family provides literacy programs for disadvantaged students. Early learning resources and support is vital for a child’s future potential.

Our Workplace Giving program

Workplace Giving allows your employees to support young Australians in need by making small, regular donations to The Smith Family.

Arts programs

The Smith Family provides art programs to disadvantaged students to help support their social and emotional development.

Our history

Learn about the impact of our history. Give back today & help The Smith Family improve the lives of children in need.

Research and evaluation

Learn about the importance of research and evaluation. Give back today & help The Smith Family improve the lives of children in need.

Pathways, Engagement and Transitions: Most young people experiencing disadvantage engaged in post-school work or study, but concerns remain for future careers

Digital inequality is the new frontier of educational disadvantage this anti-poverty week

National education charity The Smith Family is shining a light this Anti-Poverty Week on the deepening digital divide that is holding many students back from making the most of their education, as part of a wider push to end child poverty. Access to an appropriate digital device is crucial for a child’s success at school. However, students experiencing disadvantage often cannot afford such items, limiting their participation in education and employment opportunities.

Thank you from The Smith Family CEO, Doug Taylor


Every student needs digital tools to make the most of their learning. But living in poverty means that Poppy is missing out.

Showing 90 to 100 of approximately 778 items