Our learning support and mentoring programs in 90 Australian communities directly help children in need achieve their goals through education.
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Search results for "growing careers program"
Showing 140 to 150 of approximately 778 items
Pandemic exposes digital divide
Tackling digital disadvantage should be a key priority in our recovery from this pandemic. We can no longer allow students from disadvantaged backgrounds to fall behind in their learning because of the digital divide.
New Breaking Poverty podcast
Investigative journalist Adam Shand has taken a look at what is really happening in Australia and explores
how education is playing a important role in helping break the poverty cycle.
The challenges of surviving COVID-19: insights from Australias hardest hit communities
The Smith Family has released an Insights Snapshot which describes the deeply concerning impact COVID-19 has been having over the past two months, on students and their families experiencing poverty.
Pandemic presents a chance to address the root causes of youth disadvantage
Having limited financial resources affects families in so many ways, including reducing access to some of the fundamental tools of education such as books, stationery and digital technology.
The COVID-19 pandemic – 9 months on: The Smith Family uncovers compounding challenges for families living in disadvantage
Children’s education charity, The Smith Family, is highlighting significant ongoing concerns around the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students and families experiencing disadvantage, as the nation builds towards recovery.
New survey: concerns of a widening gap between Australia’s ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ – and the impact on children’s education
The Big Giveback campaign launches nationally this month to raise much-needed funds for young Australians in need through The Smith Family’s education support programs.
The Smith Family announces the Governor General, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) as its inaugural Patron
The Smith Family announces the Governor General, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) as its inaugural Patron
The Smith Family sees significant fallout from COVID-19 impacting Australia’s most vulnerable children
The negative repercussions of COVID-19 on some of Australia’s most vulnerable families are deepening. The ripple effect is having significant consequences for the education of young people living in poverty.
The ‘digital divide’ and other learning related challenges remain major issues according to a new survey by The Smith Family
After almost two years of the COVID crisis, The Smith Family says digital inequity remains an overwhelming challenge for the students and families.
1,500 mentors needed to help students navigate career paths
Read our media releases: 1,500 mentors needed to help students navigate career paths
Showing 140 to 150 of approximately 778 items