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Search results for "back to school"

Showing 220 to 230 of approximately 1097 items

Webinar: Getting attendance back on track

Student attendance rates across Australia and internationally have dropped over the past decade, with even more students now at risk of falling behind. To explore this concerning trend, The Smith Family recently hosted a webinar.

Now is the time to tackle child poverty as a national priority

We need a comprehensive national framework for reducing child poverty, writes Doug Taylor, who reflects on the impact poverty has on children’s educational outcomes. Read more...

The Smith Family - 100 years social history

The year of 2022 marks the milestone of one hundred years for The Smith Family. In our centenary year, we look back at what we’ve achieved for Australians living with financial disadvantage and look ahead toward our ongoing work with families and our community partners to improve educational outcomes for children in need.

Hope went from avoiding school to wanting to teach

Being singled out for living in poverty had taken a toll on Hope’s confidence. And it had made her disengage from her schooling. See how Hope overcame this.

Poverty and illness a tough juggling act for families

All single mum Carissa wanted was for her three children to have the same opportunities as other kids. Read how Smith Family Champions helped give them the opportunities they deserve.

Our Koorie Learning Club is bringing the community together

Through our Koorie Learning Club, younger Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are getting homework help from senior students in their community.

Sedef sets big challenges for herself and rises to them

Sedef’s long-term plans are well and truly in action

iTrack students to plan their career paths

Through our iTrack program, students in Years 9 to 11 are given the chance to explore more options for the future and make a plan. It’s guidance they desperately need but often can’t get at home.

Building confidence to succeed

Experience real life results, meet children on our programs & discover more Smith Family stories - Building confidence to succeed

Showing 220 to 230 of approximately 1097 items