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Search results for "itrack"

Showing 20 to 30 of approximately 82 items

Nathan used his mentor’s advice to spark his academic goals

Throughout high school, Nathan was a star student. Yet he wasn’t sure where that could take him after graduation. Read how Smith Family support helped him reach his goals.

Chances to explore music in school shaped Felicity’s career

Meet our sponsored students. Felicity has always been passionate about music. Yet due to her family's circumstances, she couldn't explore it. Receiving sponsorship helped change this.

Anastacia now has a recipe for success

See how sponsorship helped Anastacia after her mother's cancer diagnosis.

Your support meant more than ever in 2020

Hear from our students on how your support has helped in 2020.

How your donations are helping

how your donations are helping - Donate today and help The Smith Family make a difference in indigenous communities.

One word sums up why Lynette’s stayed a sponsor for 20 years

Lynette is helping students living with disadvantage achieve their potential

Supporting more young people to complete Year 12 will save billions

Marg thinks volunteering is an extraordinary experience

As a Corporate Responsibility Manager, Marg knows the importance of giving back. When she learned that she could volunteer to help disadvantaged students in Years 9 to 11 by becoming a mentor, she jumped at the chance. That was four years ago. And seeing the positive shifts in students keeps Marg coming back.

Ids doesn’t want students to miss out

For years, Ids has been supporting disadvantaged students as a sponsor. When he retired, he started volunteering to help deliver our learning programs. Read more!

After fleeing war, a sponsor helped Sarive triumph

After fleeing war in the Congo and five years in a refugee camp, Sarive’s family settled in Australia. They struggled to build a new life. School was hard for Sarive. Read more.

Showing 20 to 30 of approximately 82 items