Our learning support and mentoring programs in 90 Australian communities directly help children in need achieve their goals through education.
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Search results for "itrack"
Showing 40 to 50 of approximately 82 items
Having a mentor helped Teigan create a new legacy
Choosing what you want to do after high school is hard enough. And it’s extra tough without someone who’s ‘been there, done that’ to guide you. Teigan’s parents left school early.
Messages from students on our programs
We hope you enjoy reading these messages from students who have participated in some of the programs that your support makes possible.
Learning Club helps Rhianah
Experience real life results, meet children on our programs & discover more Smith Family stories - Learning club helps Rhianah
student2student improves Sam's reading
Experience real life results, meet children on our programs & discover more Smith Family stories - Student2student improves Sam's reading
Having a mentor boosted Alice’s confidence about the future
Since having a mentor Samantha’s giving her best at school
Before I did iTrack, I often got asked what I wanted to do when I was older and, honestly, I had no idea.
Support helped Susana find answers to big life questions
Experience real life results, meet children on our programs & discover more Smith Family stories - Support helped Susana find answers
Mentoring showed Sarah how to reach her career goal
Experience real life results, meet children on our programs & discover more Smith Family stories - Mentoring helped Sarah reach her goals
Meet some students
Emma achieved much more than she ever dreamt possible
Emma achieved much more than she ever dreamt possible
Showing 40 to 50 of approximately 82 items