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Search results for "back to school"
Showing 60 to 70 of approximately 1094 items
Opinion: Dr Lisa O'Brien - The importance of school attendance
Read our media releases: Opinion: Dr Lisa O'Brien - The importance of school attendance
Opinion: Give schools more autonomy, but also the right resources
Read our media releases: Give schools more autonomy, but also the right resources
Volunteers helping to transform the lives of children in need through education
It can take as little as an hour a week of someone’s time to help a child succeed at school – and for thousands of disadvantaged children across Australia, that little bit of time makes all the difference.
The Smith Family launches in Gladstone to help local children and their families
Today The Smith Family has officially launched its Learning for Life education support program in Gladstone, Queensland.
New Gonski report: Welcome focus on parental engagement and building evidence base to improve student outcomes
The Smith Family, Australia’s largest children’s education charity, welcomes the focus on parental engagement and the fast-tracking of a national Unique Student Identifier.
CEDA: New evidence to break the cycle of educational disadvantage
Australian children from low-socioeconomic backgrounds are at risk of poor educational outcomes from their first year of school.
NAIDOC Week celebrating emerging leaders among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls
During NAIDOC Week (8-15 July), children’s education charity The Smith Family is celebrating the educational achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls who are stepping up as leaders in their community.
Landmark conference to explore parents’ impact on children’s education
New cadetship program to open doors for disadvantaged students
Supporting more young people to complete Year 12 will save billions
Showing 60 to 70 of approximately 1094 items