Our learning support and mentoring programs in 90 Australian communities directly help children in need achieve their goals through education.
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Search results for "growing careers program"
Showing 60 to 70 of approximately 778 items
"Unacceptable" number of children in Poverty: The Smith Family
Commenting on the Poverty in Australia 2018 report published today by the Australian Council of Social Service in partnership with the University of New South Wales
New Gonski report: Welcome focus on parental engagement and building evidence base to improve student outcomes
The Smith Family, Australia’s largest children’s education charity, welcomes the focus on parental engagement and the fast-tracking of a national Unique Student Identifier.
The Conversation: Low attendance in Year 7 may mean you are less likely to finish school
A study of more than 30,000 students has confirmed the link between improving school attendance rates in Year 7 and the likelihood of completing high school.
Back to school costs add up for low income families
Children’s education charity The Smith Family launches its Back to School Sponsorship Appeal.
NAIDOC Week celebrating emerging leaders among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls
During NAIDOC Week (8-15 July), children’s education charity The Smith Family is celebrating the educational achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls who are stepping up as leaders in their community.
Supporting more young people to complete Year 12 will save billions
Poor Australian children need sponsors to invest in their education
Parents need to get involved to improve a child's educational outcomes
Joint Statement: The Business Council of Australia and The Smith Family
Milestone achievements for students in disadvantaged communities
Showing 60 to 70 of approximately 778 items