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I’ve been sponsoring him now for 4 years, he’s now 11. He’s just a normal kid. He loves his sport, computer games, his siblings. He’s got a spark – from his letters I can see he’s a sparky little kid. When I first started sponsoring him, he said he liked reading, so I sent him some books my kids like.
In Australia today, 1 in 6 children1 are living in poverty. When families are experiencing financial disadvantage there is often barely enough money for essential living expenses, so finding money for a school uniform, proper shoes, textbooks or the next school excursion is often impossible.
With access to fewer learning resources young people can disengage from their learning as they feel isolated from their peers and begin falling further and further behind at school. Without additional support the gap in their learning continues to increase, ultimately limiting their employment opportunities and overall life outcomes.

It just made me feel so sad, that such a thing could happen in a comparatively affluent country like Australia.
Our sponsors tell us how much they enjoy sponsoring an Australian child.
For many, it's the satisfaction of knowing they're making a real difference to the everyday life of a child here in Australia.
While for others we hear that over time they get to know their sponsored child. Gradually they learn more about what the child enjoys at school, their hobbies and maybe even what they want to be when they grow up. Reading a child's profile each year sponsors can see handwriting and spelling improve together with the child's confidence.

46,403 Australians have become child sponsors already, but we need more.
Many very generous Australians have already become child sponsors, but we must find more. We are urgently seeking more Australians to take that next step and sponsor a child.
For many young Australians already experiencing disadvantage, 2020 has been an extremely difficult year. With limited learning materials and digital resources at home, remote learning has proven very challenging. Research shows that remote learning during the pandemic is likely to have been more detrimental for children experiencing disadvantage in contrast to their more advantaged peers. According to the 2020 Grattan Institute survey, teachers estimate that disadvantaged children learned just 25-50% of what they’d normally learn in class, compared to 50-75% for children not living in poverty2.
Without additional support they may never catch up and as this gap continues to widen their confidence will only decline.
School essentials
Local, personalised support
Access to additional learning support
The Learning for Life sponsorship program recognises that disadvantaged children need extra support to stay at school and go on to further studies or employment.
So when a student is sponsored through The Smith Family, as well as financial assistance with purchasing school essentials, the student’s family is also paired with a Learning for Life Coordinator. The Learning for Life Coordinator offers students encouragement and support with their schooling; links students and their families to learning and mentoring programs in their community and helps children and young people to fully participate in their education.
Hear more sponsorship experiences
1 2020 Poverty in Australia, ACOSS/UNSW Report.
2 2020 COVID-19 Catch up: helping disadvantaged students close the equity gap ,Grattan Institute,.
* Names, family details and associated images have been changed to protect the family’s identity.