DGR status
The Smith Family, is a registered charity, sub-type public benevolent institution, and has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status so your donation will be tax deductible. You can claim a tax deduction, at tax time, for donations of $2 or more. To be a DGR, an organisation must meet the eligibility criteria of a DGR category, and be endorsed by the ATO as a DGR. Please note, not all charities have DGR endorsement.
DGR status requirements
Things to look out for when confirming the registered charity and DGR status of an organisation:
The organisation has an ABN - The Smith Family has an Australian Business Number (ABN) of 28 000 030 179 and is a registered charity with ACNC
The organisation name matches the ABN register – The Smith Family is listed on the Australian Business Register under the ABN 28 000 030 179
Accurate and up to date contact information – The Smith Family contact information is regularly updated and publicly available on the contact us page as well as on google maps / business listing
Legal Structure – The Smith Family is governed by its constitution that identifies its charitable purposes
Governing Document – You can read about our governance on our website or download our latest Constitution, updated in November 2019
Date of Establishment – The Smith Family was originally formed in 1922. You can read about our history as an organisation
Date of Registration – The Smith Family was registered as a charity with ACNC on 03 Dec 2012
Charity Subtype – The Smith Family is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) from 01 Jul 2000. It is covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Why you should consider donating to The Smith Family
Other information that may assist you to make a decision about donating to The Smith Family
Activities – At The Smith Family, we believe that education is one of the world’s most powerful change agents. That’s why we focus on helping young Australians to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty. We run Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs, Arts based initiatives, we partner with Government, Schools and other service providers on community outreach, we run out-of-school Learning Clubs, provide long-term support through our Learning for Life program, we provide support and resources through our Literacy, Numeracy, Financial and Technology programs, as well as provide Mentoring and Work Experience to assist students explore their future career options and potential job opportunities. You can see a full range of our activities on our programs page
Beneficiaries - The Smith Family delivers our Learning for Life programs across 91 Australian communities, often out of the local school. The communities have been identified as having higher concentrations of families living in economic disadvantage and are across all Australian states and territories. You can read more about our work here
Responsible – In the last year our work reached more than 159,753 children and young people in need in 91 communities across Australia, thanks to the support of caring Australians. Over the five years to June 2022, 71% of funds raised from individual supporters and partner organisations has been spent on our community programs. You can read more about our responsible spending here
Financial Information – Our financial information is available on our finances page and our latest Annual Report is also available
Operating Locations – The Smith family operates in 91 communities around Australia. You can see the target communities and operating offices and communities on our website