Clothing bins

The Smith Family no longer operate donation bins and are unable to receive clothing donations. This will allow us to focus solely on providing out-of-school learning support for disadvantaged young Australians.
While we are no longer able to receive clothing donations we still highly encourage clothing recycling. Please continue to support clothing bins run by other charity organisations.
For further information (alphabetical order):
Op Shop is a third party list of op shops across Australia.
Save the Children accept donations of clothing, books, bric-a-brac, furniture, clothing and homewares at their stores across Australia.
Salvation Army accept donations of clothing, toys, books, CDs/DVDs, electrical goods, bric-a-brac and homewares at their stores across Australia.
St Vincent de Paul Society accept donations of clothing, homewares, toys, books, CDs/DVDs and furniture at their stores across Australia.
Red Cross accept donations of clothing, books and bric-a-brac at their stores across Australia.