Almost one in two Australians believe ‘education’ key to break poverty cycle
A recent Newspoll survey has found that 46 percent of people believe 'education' is the key to breaking the poverty cycle and it gives disadvantaged children a chance of a better future. The Smith Family understands the long-term benefits of education and has launched its Back to School Sponsorship Drive to find sponsors to help the 575,000 Australian children living under the poverty line1
"These Newspoll findings along with international research confirm that The Smith Family is doing the one most valuable thing to support the long-term future of these vulnerable children," says Rosie Simpson, Head of Strategic Development at The Smith Family. "Education helps children become self-sufficient adults and strengthens our community and future economy."
"Disadvantaged children deserve a fair chance and the opportunity to fully participate in their education but once food, rent and utility bills are paid, families on limited budgets can't provide their children with the essentials needed for their education, including text books and uniforms. Extra curriculum activities like music, sports, school camps and excursions are financially off limits and this can make children fall behind in their schooling. To give these children a fair chance to fully participate in their education we need Australians to step forward and become a sponsor."
Of the 575,000 disadvantaged children in Australia, The Smith Family only has sponsors for 34,000 or 5.9 percent of these children. For less than $1.50 per day, one of these vulnerable children can be matched to a sponsor whose help will enable children in need to get the most out of their education.
There are three ways to support a disadvantaged Australian child through the Back to School Sponsorship Drive: 1. Become a sponsor 2. Make a one-off donation to support a program or 3. Give a regular donation each month. Please call on 1800 024 069 or visit
[1]Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) 2013
Media contacts:
Andrew Dickson | National Media Manager (National) - 0421 285 529 |
Carla Horton | Senior Media Advisor (QLD & WA) - 0423 618 776 |
Reid Jermyn | Media Advisor (VIC, SA & NT) - 0412 803 566 |
Ben Chenoweth | Senior Media Advisor (NSW, ACT & TAS) - 0413 346 934 |
The Smith Family is a national children’s education charity that helps young Australians experiencing disadvantage to create better futures for themselves through harnessing the power of education. We partner with around 800 Australian schools and work with over 162,000 children and young people experiencing disadvantage access our education support programs to help them overcome . For more information, visit