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View all programs I wanted to finish Year 12 because I felt like if I didn’t do that then I didn’t really know what was going to happen, because if you don’t finish…then you might not be able to get a good job…I wanted to complete Year 12 to get a really good job and to have a good career.
I was putting in like 20 resumes a month. No one answered me. I don’t know, I guess I just wasn’t the person they wanted. They found someone better or something…
One thing that really might have helped is…doing some work experience…because a lot of jobs on paper, it’s different than actually…what happens… Seeing what happened in the workplace might have helped me…find some sort of like connection with a career.
The best thing that happened last year was definitely The Smith Family’s internship…It’s given me a lot of insight into the industry, and I met a lot of interesting people…We’re in different stages of our lives so it’s really interesting to hear their perspectives…their experiences…and compare it to what I’m doing and see what I want to do.
Note: The names and photographs used are fictional and do not represent the actual individuals. Some details have been changed to ensure anonymity.