From School to Success: Completing Year 12 and Beyond

Some aspects I felt would have helped me in being more decisive on my chosen pathway would have been opportunities to converse with actual professionals in engineering or likewise a networking event, where I could talk to many professionals in varying degrees and occupations.
In this special episode of Conversations with The Smith Family, we feature highlights from our recent webinar, exploring how we can collectively support more young Australians to achieve success at school and beyond.
We know that higher educational attainment is associated with positive social and economic outcomes, yet disturbingly, one in four young Australians aren't completing year 12 or the equivalent – and the rate is much higher for young people experiencing disadvantage.
This episode includes valuable insights from The Smith Family's Head of Research and Advocacy, Anne Hampshire, on our ongoing research into post-school pathways with over 2,000 young Australians, and a personal story from Cindy, a tertiary student on our Learning for Life program who offers her perspective on what young people need to make a positive transition from school to further study and work.
Plus, you’ll hear from our panellists – Professor Jennifer Westacott AO, Chancellor of Western Sydney University; Christine Cawsey AM, Principal of Rooty Hill High School and a Board member at The Smith Family; and Dr Anthony Mann, senior policy analyst in the Directorate for Education and Skills at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – who each share their views on ways to address the recent declines in school completion rates and ensure all young people are ready for a fast-changing labour market.
Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or watch the full webinar below.
View our research report here.