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Sobur had the support to achieve anything

12 July 2022
“Without the Tertiary Scholarship, my life would be different. I’d be under more financial pressure and I might not feel as motivated.  
“I was four years old when my parents came to Australia from a refugee camp in Kenya. The Smith Family has supported my education since I was in primary school. I graduated from high school last year and am now in my first year of Juris Doctor Program at Law School.
“I’m the second oldest. I have eight siblings. Growing up, there were always financial issues, but my parents had support and managed it really well.  
“I’ve felt the impact of The Smith Family most in my tertiary studies. There’s the immediate financial relief – not having to worry about travel costs, my text books, internet data or office supplies makes me concentrate more on performing at my best. There’s the emotional support as well. Knowing that somebody out there is sponsoring me and believes in me, that pushes me.
“Being stuck in quarantine in high school, not having the time to study on my own and battling the noise, made it hard to focus. At one point, there weren't enough devices [for my siblings]. I would help my younger brother on my laptop and then I would study at night time. That was really taxing on my physical and emotional health.
“I think the best part of The Smith Family is that they make you feel like you can achieve anything. I feel like I have a scholarship that's going to lead me to the future that I want for myself.”