“Jenny called regularly to check how we were going and see how she could help. It was wonderful having someone who understood. Most of the other parents are in their 20s or 30s, so it’s very different for me,” said Sylvia.
When Jenny heard that Sylvana couldn’t access the school materials, she was able to provide her with a laptop that had been generously donated by a corporate partner.
“The look on Sylvana’s face was priceless when she opened the laptop. She was over the moon! Sylvana’s new laptop and all her schooling stuff was set up on the dining table and that’s where she did all her work," said Sylvia.
“There are so many children out here that need this help and support, and parents don’t want to ask because they feel it’s intimidating. It makes them feel inadequate, like I did.”
Sylvia is so grateful to Sylvana’s sponsor and the extended support of The Smith Family. It has been essential in helping Sylvana to participate fully in her schooling.