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Child SponsorshipDonate now

Your support meant more than ever in 2020

31 December 2020

This has been very tough year for so many of us. Yet, through all the challenges, you have continued to ensure that disadvantaged children among us, still receive the extra support they need to thrive.

Thanks to you, in 2020:

  • 170,901 children and young people benefited from our learning programs and mentoring
  • 97% of student2student program participants improved their reading age
  • 78% of iTrack students agreed their mentor helped them understand more about how they can reach their career goals.

Please enjoy this inspirational video, made especially for you in collaboration with our students. It’s a heartwarming reminder that believing in a child – and giving them practical help – can make their dreams come to life!

From all of us, thank you, and stay safe.