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One word sums up why Lynette’s stayed a sponsor for 20 years

18 March 2024

When Lynette was young, she felt locked into a pathway that didn’t give her opportunities to learn and thrive. Fortunately, she had people in her life who believed that she deserved a fair go – and helped her seize the keys to success. It’s why today Lynette is driven to help students living with disadvantage to achieve their potential. And she’s doing it as a sponsor through our Learning for Life program.

Q. How important is education to you?
A. That’s an easy one-word answer: critical. Without a good education, so many other things in life are denied to you. Unfortunately, not everyone can get that opportunity without some extra support. There are young people in our community who will leave school without ever getting the chance to achieve their best.

Q. How do you think students benefit from being sponsored?
A. I’ve been a sponsor now for close to 20 years. Through my financial support, my students have been able to go on excursions and get the books and stationery they would not otherwise have. They have been able to join out-of-school learning programs like iTrack. I know it also makes a difference that I encourage them and care how they’re going.

Q. What inspired you to become a sponsor?
A. I feel it’s the least I can do. In my early life, I never thought I was as good or bright as others, but I had mentors who encouraged me to try… and my self-confidence grew. Eventually, I was able to go on to university and that made a huge difference to my life and to my family. And because I’ve benefited from a good education, I want to help others achieve their potential too.

Q. What do you like about being a sponsor?

A. I like it when my students write to me about how they are doing at school. And I love finding out the difference sponsorship is making to children and young people in this newsletter. I’ve even read of sponsored students who went on to have bright futures and are now back volunteering with The Smith Family. They are helping other children achieve what they have. It’s incredible!

Q. What would you say to people about the importance of sponsoring a child?

A. When it comes up in conversation, I always spread the word that the opportunity exists to sponsor a student through The Smith Family. There is always going to be a need for sponsors like us to support and encourage young people who are missing out on education support for one reason or another. I encourage anyone to do it!
Read more student and family stories in our Autumn 2024 edition of Real People, Real Stories.

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