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Watch our volunteers share Christmas with 30,000 children

09 January 2023
Our Toy and Book Delivery Day is a truly memorable and heart-warming event. This year, families experiencing disadvantage needed support more than ever and in December our wonderful volunteers and supporters helped us share Christmas with 30,000 children.  
Each year we work with our generous volunteers, supporters and corporate partners to provide gifts to children in need. This tradition began when The Smith Family was founded in 1922, when five anonymous donors dropped off gifts on Christmas Eve.
The cost of living is just skyrocketing, so Christmas this year is receiving these. It means a lot, not just for myself, not just for my husband but for the kids as well. It’s fantastic.
Chloe, mum of Learning for Life students
For Christmas 2022:
•    We delivered 2,811 gift packs to children across Sydney
•    Over 27,000 students across Australia received gift vouchers
•    132 generous volunteers donated over 555 hours of their time

Thank you to everyone who donated their time and brought joy to children experiencing disadvantage this Christmas.

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