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Meet Ella, who loves helping others discover a love for reading

01 November 2022

“Hi, I’m Ella, and I am 16 years old.

"For as long as I can remember, reading has been one of the great joys in my life. It allows me to escape reality and traverse different worlds. But most importantly, it gives me a fun way to learn.

“I discovered The Smith Family’s student2student program when I was 13. I had just started high school and found myself surrounded by girls older than me in my high school’s board room, listening to a woman talk about how I – an awkward 13-year-old – could help young students enter the wonderful world of reading I have come to adore so much.

Ella, student2student buddy
“So, as you can imagine, I said yes when they asked me to be a student2student buddy!

“You’re probably wondering what being a student2student buddy actually means. For me, it means being kind, committed and patient. But for the students, it means having fun learning to read alongside a new friend.

“Buddies like me pick the best books for their readers from a wide range of books in different genres. With the online version, it’s really easy for students across Australia to join in using their devices and improve their IT skills at the same time.

“I’m amazed by the feedback from parents. Some have told me their child has been reading at home when they had never touched a book before. Others tell me their children boast to their teachers about how they can understand many new words and that I helped them to get there.

“I’ve almost completed my fourth year as a student2student volunteer and can honestly say it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I’ve been able to share my passion for reading with kids who may not find school enjoyable or struggle with their learning.

“My wish for students is that they can improve their reading so that one day they realise that it's not so scary. I want them to feel confident reading in front of others and discover that school isn’t such a bad place after all.”