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A fulfilling experience

04 July 2022

“When I joined Maroochydore VIEW Club (Queensland) in 2014, I hadn’t heard of VIEW. When I learnt that funds were raised for The Smith Family and Australian children, I thought that was terrific.

“I became a Learning Club volunteer tutor five years ago. I was attracted by being able to interact with and learn from children who were also participating in the Learning for Life program, of which VIEW Clubs is the largest community sponsor.

“I like the informality of Learning Club, which makes the children feel special, while also endeavouring to assist with each one’s learning preferences. This approach has made some results feel especially rewarding for us as tutors.

“As I’ve shared at VIEW meetings, it’s particularly rewarding when withdrawn children, after a time, bound into the room chattering away to us as they arrive, dump their bags and keep sharing with us.

“I also like to see the expression on a child’s face when they discover the delight of learning something and knowing that they know it.

“Being the Learning for Life officer at my VIEW Club is very meaningful for me. As well as the pleasure of maintaining contact with our sponsored students, it enables me to easily keep my fellow VIEW members focussed and interested.

“While there is always controversy and debate about education, it is vital not to lose sight of what basic education means to people who don’t have it. It is very important programs like Learning for Life and Learning Club continue and expand.”