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Theju may have the most uplifting volunteer gig in Australia

05 April 2021
It’s no wonder Theju loves her volunteer role: she gets to see the best of humanity every day. 

Theju is the lucky person who opens the heartwarming messages of support and gratitude that flow between our sponsors and students. She works in our administration team at Sydney’s head office. She carefully reads each inspiring sponsor letter and every joyful artwork and note from our students. Then she logs them in our system before they are popped in the mail for their grateful recipients.  

The magical letters from sponsors to students move Theju every day. “They focus on motivating a child to do better, helping them improve their circumstances and encouraging them as much as possible. These letters are really wonderful,” she says warmly.

It was only two years ago that Theju arrived in Australia from India to start a new life with her husband. The former engineer took time out of paid work to raise her daughter. As she prepared to return to the workforce, she turned to this volunteering role as a stepping-stone to a paid job in her new country. 

As she relishes this truly heart-warming volunteer gig, Theju shares another reason this job inspires a deep love for this country. “I've had the opportunity to talk to all people from different cultures. It helps me understand Australian society. It motivates me to work better, inspiring me to grow and do something good.”

The letters from sponsors focus on motivating a child to do better, helping them improve their circumstances and encouraging them as much as possible. These letters are really wonderful.
Theju, The Smith Family volunteer