Seynab's story
Experience real life results, meet children on our programs & discover more Smith Family stories - Seynab's story
Now Charlotte reads in front of the whole school
Having a mentor boosted Alice’s confidence about the future
iTrack showed Ashley different ways to achieve her dream
Since having a mentor Samantha’s giving her best at school
Before I did iTrack, I often got asked what I wanted to do when I was older and, honestly, I had no idea.
Your support helped Chenoa and Seth to shine at school
Chenoa, aged 11, is the eldest of four children. She’s the mother hen of the family and loves to help her mum, Karmilya, care for her younger sister who has cystic fibrosis.
Learning Club and sponsorship help John and David thrive at school
Experience real life results & discover more Smith Family stories - Learning Club and sponsorship help John and David thrive at school
Parents' interest 'vital' to child's education
Experience real life results, meet children on our programs & discover more Smith Family stories - Parents' interest 'vital' to child's education
Thanks to his sponsors, Jordan isn’t held back by poverty
Vanessa’s grandkids can now tap into tech
Vanessa didn’t think twice about putting retirement on hold to raise four grandkids single-handedly when the need arose. Read about how she overcame the struggle to support her grandchildren.