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Helping students to overcome lifelong disadvantage

29 August 2019

This video looks at students who are embracing The Smith Family's learning and mentoring programs and overcoming disadvantage at every stage of their education.

Living in poverty can have a devastating effect on a child’s life. Without books and learning materials at home, many disadvantaged children start school already behind.

Each year, the poverty they’re experiencing widens the gap between them and their classmates. Over time, they fall behind, lose confidence and may leave school early. Without the chance to complete Year 12, securing work is more challenging. Sadly, the cycle of poverty can then continue with their own children.

The support of one person makes a difference, but the support of many significantly amplifies the impact. Together, our supporters empower students to overcome the barriers of poverty at every stage of their education.

Read more student and family stories in our Spring 2019 edition of Real People, Real Stories.
