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At Learning Club, Jasmine gets to set her own pace, with powerful results

23 August 2022
Jasmine Learning Club
Money has always been tight at home for twins, Jasmine and Natalie, and their mum. Twins bring double the fun, but also twice the cost for school essentials. Jasmine and her sister often needed learning support at the same time and there wasn’t always enough to go around. Juggling their education needs could get very overwhelming.

At school, Jasmine was very proud to study advanced mathematics. But the bright, chatty student struggled to keep up in class. Jasmine was falling further behind. Her confidence was being
crushed and her passion for learning dwindled.
“I was so unmotivated in the classroom,” she says. “It felt so unfair.”

Fortunately, at this worrying time, she was able to get help at Learning Club to keep up, thanks to kind-hearted supporters like you. “From the start, it’s been so good to get that extra time and help to catch up that I didn’t have at home,” she says.

When Jasmine first arrives at Learning Club after school each week, she will debrief with volunteer tutor Chris about her day. Chris will notice if she’s feeling low and helps her focus on her strengths.
Jasmine, volunteer tutor Chris and Natalie at Learning Club

“I’ve learnt that if you aren’t in the right mindset, you won’t achieve anything,” says Jasmine.“When I have a bad week, Chris listens and knows how to make me feel motivated with my work.”

After a pep talk, it’s down to business. The pace at school can be very fast as there’s just so much to cover. But at Learning Club, Jasmine can take it as slowly as she needs to stay engaged. Chris will patiently explain the maths concepts she’s struggling to grasp. There have been many lightbulb moments, and her passion for learning has gradually returned.

“Once I get the hang of it, Chris lets me do it by myself at my own pace because that’s how I learn best,” says Jasmine. “Learning Club is a positive commitment because I’m putting an hour or so into my week for myself. It’s self-care and putting myself first.”

Every parent wants their child to be happy and succeed at school. Jasmine’s mum and dad are no different. They believe in the power of Learning Club, driving the twins there and monitoring their progress. “Dad has been passionate about getting our grades up,” says Jasmine. “He is very intrigued by Learning Club and at the end of the session he will often have a catch up with our tutor.”

Jasmine is now in Year 12 and thriving. With help from her Learning Club tutor and wonderful supporters like you, she has taken big steps forward with maths, putting her dream to study psychology or law at university within reach. But it’s so much more than that. Learning Club has also helped Jasmine become more resilient and increased her awareness of her personal values and aspirations. She has more skills to thrive in the adult world post-school.

“My goal is to have a career where I can help people,” she says. “I want to use my voice – and be there for people who can’t use theirs,” says Jasmine.

Read more student and family stories in our Spring 2022 edition of Real People, Real Stories