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Now Cooper is confident and making new friends

14 March 2018

Ten-year-old Cooper used to go to school with his stomach tied in knots. He struggled to make friends and the stress of not fitting in affected his self-esteem. After a while, Cooper was too self-conscious to participate in class and his learning suffered.

“Cooper was very anxious and had lots of issues at his old school. He wasn't learning, he was too worked up,” said Amanda. “I was worried that he was behind on school work.”

Thanks to his sponsor, when Cooper changed schools, he was able to start off with all the school essentials. Fitting in was the first vital step to helping him catch up.

[With sponsorship] there wasn’t so much of a struggle to get book lists and uniforms together, and pay for school fees and excursions. It helps that he doesn’t miss out on those things.

When Cooper started his new school, he joined our out-of-school Learning Club and it was just what he needed. It’s a safe and supportive environment where students receive help with their homework from volunteer tutors.

Before Learning Club, homework time was a challenge. Now Cooper loves learning and has come out of his shell.

“He's really picked up socialisation skills. He's made friends there and he can relax. Now the learning is coming because he is not on edge all of the time,” said Amanda.

“The more people they can trust, the better off kids are. It gives them more support networks. So the volunteers can probably encourage him to do more homework.”

Cooper dreams of one day acting in a big Star Wars movie. For now though, he’s just happy discovering new things and doing his best at school.

Learning Club is good. I go to the library and play board games and do science experiments. I liked making a stethoscope,” said Cooper.

Amanda is so thankful that you have helped Cooper to believe in himself again and really shine at school.

“I want my boys to have every opportunity to do whatever they can, to make the most of their lives,” she said. “I would like to say thank you – but it doesn't really seem enough!”

Cooper reading
Cooper enjoys reading at Learning Club

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