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Rickechei is inspired to dream big

17 June 2019

At age 14, Rickechei is the eldest of five children. His parents work but are still struggling to pay off past debt. Before Rickechei started receiving our wrap-around support, the financial difficulties at home were causing challenges for him at school.

“People might think that because one or both parents are working, they should be fine. But many don’t know the circumstances that can lead to poverty,” said Pania, Rickechei’s mum.

“I felt like I was failing as a parent because I couldn’t provide for my children’s education.”

Three years ago, Pania turned to The Smith Family for support and everything changed. To start with, we matched Rickechei with a sponsor so he would have financial support for his school essentials each year.

With sponsorship, Rickechei can now go on excursions and I can buy him uniforms and text books.

“The staff at The Smith Family have been amazing and we have never once felt judged. We have always felt safe and comfortable and that is important when you are so vulnerable,” said Pania.

Thanks to our generous supporters, Rickechei also has access to our learning programs. Having the support he needs has transformed his attitude towards school.

“I have participated in Learning Club and the student2student reading program,” said Rickechei.

“Previously I didn’t really like school because I couldn’t read very well. Now I’ve improved by two levels. I’m so grateful!”

Through Learning Club, Rickechei receives help with his homework after school from volunteer tutors. Your support hasn’t only helped him to catch up in class. It has also opened his eyes to greater possibilities for the future. And now he is aiming high.

“My dream is to be a robotics engineer and play basketball professionally. I actually decided on engineering after talking to a Learning Club mentor who used to work at NASA,” said Rickechei.