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Seynab's story

29 September 2015
Sponsorship has inspired and motivated me to study hard and do great things.

Seynab, Learning for Life student, 19

"The financial assistance helped us with school books. It really helped with uniforms and shoes and school camps and excursions.” Seynab said.

Regular contact with her sponsor through letters and cards motivated her to do her best at school.

“[Without The Smith Family] I don’t think I would be where I am today or that I would have gone to university.” Seynab said.

Find out more about our Learning for Life program.

Now in her third year of a double degree in nursing and paramedic science, Seynab receives tertiary sponsorship from The Smith Family and is working towards becoming a paramedic.

Financial assistance from her sponsor helps Seynab pay for textbooks, a laptop, uniforms for training and internet access.

“I feel like there is somebody out there looking out for me and I don’t want to let anyone down. I can see myself giving back to the community and doing something meaningful.” Seynab said.

I can see myself giving back to the community and doing something meaningful.
Seynab, Learning for Life student, 19
Seynab sitting

Thanks to donations from Smith Family supporters and the contribution of volunteer mentors, Seynab also participates in our Tertiary Mentoring Program, where she is connected to a supportive adult working in nursing.

Seynab’s mentor, Sheryl, offers support, advice and encouragement.

“It’s been really nice to have somebody who understands what I’m talking about, in terms of studying. She’s a very lovely person. She listens and she’s very easy to talk to, “Seynab said.

“My future looks very bright. I’m starting to see myself achieving something. Thank you for believing in me and giving me the support that I need.

Hear firsthand from the disadvantaged children and families you support. Shannon and Tyler, Claire and Tahlia all share their stories.
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