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When it comes to careers, seeing is believing

08 November 2023
Work Inspiration 2

All children deserve to be able to have big career dreams. Our Work Inspiration Reach Out program is designed to inspire students with careers beyond imagination, with role models making those careers real.

Seeing was believing for a group of Queensland students. They visited some high-profile businesses on the Gold Coast over two exciting days through Work Inspiration Reach Out. Students began the program at the Surfers Paradise Hilton, where they met all the department heads. They listened to the diverse stories of how they came to be in their positions.

The Hilton General Manager Fiona gave students a detailed picture of her journey, inspiring students who may not have thought a career in a global hotel chain could ever be in their future. Fiona’s story was one of perseverance and taking opportunities – you don’t always finish where you start.

One student says it was their favourite part of the 2-day program “because it was fun and nice to hear everyone’s journey from school to present”.

Students later met a 20-year-old cadet at the start of her career journey with Badge Constructions. While studying Construction Management, she had simply searched ’cadetships’ online and found this opportunity on her own, showing how you don’t have to wait for anything to come to you. Sometimes you can search for an opportunity and go for it!

Work Inspiration
Work Inspiration 3

The students competed to build the ‘biggest and sturdiest’ buildings from connecting blocks. It was both intense and enjoyable. Badge Constructions capped off the visit with a wonderful donation of 4 bags of blocks for local Learning Clubs. Perhaps this means we’ll see some more young architects, engineers, builders and brickies coming through the ranks soon.

The next day, students saw even more career options as they visited Village Roadshow theme park Movie World and Ergon Energy. Whatever their passions and interests, students learned there’s something out there for them.

At Movie World, students saw the range of careers involved in amusement parks and films – hearing from the department heads of hospitality and engineering, to visiting the Batman Legacy Exhibition, featuring costumes, cars and props.

For the daring, Ergon Energy apprentice Georgia showed how they repair damaged electrical lines and operate a truck with a super long arm. This was the highlight for one student who reported that they “liked the Ergon Energy one the best as it was practical, and I got to talk with Georgia about something I was keen on doing.”

When asked if the experience was fun and enjoyable, one student says, “Yes, because they were extremely friendly and encouraged me to ask questions.”

Another replies, “Yes, as they shared stories I can relate to, and all came from different backgrounds.”

The two packed days gave students a huge array of work options and pathways from adults who they may never have otherwise spoken with. They came away feeling heard as well as with a broader understanding of their own possibilities. We can’t wait to see what the students do next!