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The world is at Zoey's fingertips

02 September 2021

Connie had to juggle breast cancer treatment with caring for her daughter Zoey and three other children. 

“I had to stop work because of the treatment,” recalls Connie. “Having to pay rent and buy school supplies for four children on only my husband’s income was very hard. We struggled a lot.”

The family had to cover four lots of stationery, books, uniforms, bags, school photos and excursions. Zoey was expected to start Year 7 with her own laptop. She could not do her homework without one.


But there was no way for Zoey’s parents to pay for a laptop and everything the others needed. “A big worry was that my kids would get teased at school for not having the latest equipment and supplies,” says Connie. 

Thanks to kind sponsors like you, Zoey and her three siblings received Learning for Life sponsorship. It covered the education essentials for all four children and the family could now buy a laptop for Zoey.

In schools today, it’s vital that children in Australia have access to digital tools and an internet connection. Having her own device for school has opened up Zoey’s world. She says: “My favourite things about starting high school were getting the laptop and making new friends.” 

Zoey has also been able to join The Smith Family's learning programs, to help her reach her potential. She reads on the phone each week with a student buddy in our student2student - a peer reading program where students are partnered with an older student mentor who helps them learn to read over the phone. This has improved her literacy skills, which will be vital for doing well at school and for the jobs of the future. After school, our Learning Club is a place Zoey goes each week. The safe and supportive environment provides volunteer tutors to help her get the most out of digital learning and stay on top of homework. 


“Zoey never used to do her homework, it was always a struggle.

Learning Club has been so helpful. She goes every week and the volunteer tutors help her get her homework done. She’s handing it in at the end of each week and is doing so well,” says Connie proudly. “The support is outstanding.”

Today Connie is in recovery from cancer. It brings great peace of mind that Zoey has been able to keep up at high school in this difficult time. Zoey tells Connie that when she grows up, she wants to be a nurse and support people with cancer. “The advice I have for Zoey is to dream big and go for what she wants,” says Connie.

“With all we’ve been through as a family, it makes me so proud that, with help from her sponsor, Zoey has overcome obstacles in leaps and bounds. If someone was considering becoming a Learning for Life sponsor, I would tell them: 'Go for it'. You'll never see a smile as big as the one on my daughter's face.”

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